Murphy M.

Murphy M.

I am not ashamed to admit that Murphy M. is the background of my iphone AND my desktop. I mean, look at him! When I told his momma I replaced it with a picture of another pooch she threw her hands up the air and told me to stop cheating on her boy! Back to...
Duke H.

Duke H.

Duke H. is probably the happiest dog here! His tail is wagging from the moment he sees his friends early in the morning to the moment he leaves the group at night. Give Duke H. a tennis ball and the party is on, but fetch is out of the picture! He loves to run around,...
Sasha & August

Sasha & August

August A. came in this morning raring to go hang out and play in the puppy room. Little did he know that Sasha was already there. The two wondered who would get the bed… but I think they figured it out! Back to News