No. This is not an advertisement for dog treats, this is about bacon the puppy, our newest addition to JPM. This cute little girl is a bundle of energy who doesn't just enter a room, she slides into it as if to say, "it's BACON!" When shes finished announcing...
Grover doesn't look like the Sesame Street character, nor can he help you count or tell you the letter of the day, but he can definitely "help" you with the garden hose. Grover LOVES water (come to think of it, he kind of looks like an otter so it's funny that he...
Kida may resemble a wolf, but she's a teddy bear(all of that hair and those big feet add to the snuggle factor). A gentle soul at heart, she adores belly rubs. She will find any excuse to turn an occasion into a belly rub. Refilling water buckets: a belly rub....
Mo B
Mo is such a happy dog, and one of the few I've met who can actually smile. When he sees you, he pulls back his upper lip and wags his tail! Mo is a very loving dog, and the only thing he loves more than smiling is sitting on your lap! Like all big, happy dogs, Mo...
Poochie is one of our distinguished older gentlemen here at Just Pet Me. He really loves to work the room, walking around to every one of the dogs to say "Hello!" and ask "How's the Family doing?" He is really popular with all the guy pups and provides hours of fun...
Elle Woods
Miss Elle Woods might be the softest dog in the world and she is definitely one of the most relaxed. She loves to spend her time sun bathing with her friend Honey Child. After Honey wakes Elle up by giving her kisses you can find her walking around our playroom to...
"Kihei" is a Hawaiian word meaning cloak or shawl, and while our Kihei may not be either one of those, she is still just as snuggly. She is happiest sunbathing or playing with her friends Ali K and Piper S. She is a very calm, easy going, loving dog, but when the...
Presley P
Presley is one of our regulars here at Just Pet Me. One of the best looking Border Collies around, she also has a great personality. When she isn't lounging on her favorite bench, you can find her playing with her best bud Duke or playing tug of war with the ankle of...
Cabo is one of the most popular dogs here! Everyone knows who Cabo is, and they are always happy to see him. He can play for hours with his list of buddies that never seem to end. His favorite playmates include but are not limited to: Beauregard, Scruffy, Ali K, and...
While he may not be a drummer, he is still just as cool. Ringo is a social boy who loves to play. A LOT. He has many friends, and he's close enough to a few of them to where he COULD start his own version of The Fab Four. There's Charlie, Duke, and of course George....
Winston K
Winston is the wrinkly sweetheart beloved by all the staff. He greets everyone here with big, sloppy kisses and major tail wags. And if you call him "Winnie," watch out, his kisses get even bigger! This is made more amazing by the fact that Winston is completely...
Sierra & Rugby
What a playful pair Sierra & Rugby are! Rugby reminds us of a little football player, he spends most of his day here barging into our handlers legs to make sure he is getting all the pets he needs. His sister, Sierra, would rather be spending her time with our...
Ali’s Next Great Adventure
For the past 6 years Ali has been a big part of Just Pet Me and we are sad to say she will be moving to Colorado at the end of June. Ali has the ability to light-up anyone's day; human or dog! She's always happy go lucky and believes everyone else should be too. If...
Doggie Year Book A-G
Its Vadar TIME!!!!! Vadar is one big boss of a Giant Schnauzer. Always looking good with his cool haircuts, Vadar likes to play hard to get with the ladies & really loves getting attention from our handlers. He is as smart as a whip and fast as lightning. After he...

just pet me country club
Lobby Hours
6:30AM to 11:00AM
3:30PM to 8:30PM
SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 8:00AM to 10:00AM 5:30PM to 7:30PM