Dog of the Week: Trixie J.

Dog of the Week: Trixie J.

Some of our most playful and curious doggies here at Just Pet Me didn’t all start out that way. Take for example, Trixie J. She spent her first few days here shy and guarded, but once she found her place, she’s been all about fun, friends and smiles. When she’s not...
Dog of the Week: Louise S.

Dog of the Week: Louise S.

Louise (say it with a squeal!), the adorable hound-mix with the cute face, is one of our regulars that we increasingly look forward to seeing each morning. She always greets us with her happy little dance and her wide smile as she pops out of the car. Once she’s in...
Dog of the Week: Max L.

Dog of the Week: Max L.

Max L. is a little guy that just can’t be missed. His antics are a daytime staple here at Just Pet Me, as we can’t imagine not having to yell out “Maaaaaaaax!” every day (either with joy or a little bit of frustration). This little bundle of energy and sound enters...
Dog of the Week: Malo M

Dog of the Week: Malo M

Before we even catch sight of him, we know when Malo M. is here. Every morning Malo greets us with a happy bout of howling all the way to the play area as if to say “I’m here and I mean business!” After his entrance, he enjoys roaming throughout the group, making...
Dog of Week: Susie

Dog of Week: Susie

Whenever Susie pulls up to Just Pet Me (head sticking out the window, tail at attention), we know it’s going to be an extra special day. Most days she brushes off whatever warm greeting we give her. She prefers to not waste any time and heads directly to the play...