Dog of the Week: Wiley B.

Dog of the Week: Wiley B.

Wiley is a peculiar little Jack Chi with a personality that doesn’t come around too often. When we greet her in the morning she treats us to a couple of her signature spins in the lobby followed by a happy but cautious gait to the playroom. Once in the group, she’s at...
Dog of the Week: Jane Austin A.

Dog of the Week: Jane Austin A.

Jane Austin, the big little sister of August A., is one sweet border collie that has quickly won over the hearts of everyone at Just Pet Me. When we first heard that our very own senior Jack Russell, August A. was getting a sister, we were thrilled. Once we actually...
Dog of the Week: Rambo

Dog of the Week: Rambo

Rambo is one sweet Chihuahua who is completely different from what his name might indicate. A pacifist at heart, he is more lover than fighter. In fact, his favorite thing to do is walk around sniffing and greeting every doggy, making sure everyone’s having a good...
Dog of the Week: Ghost

Dog of the Week: Ghost

Ghost is the friendly variety of his namesake. This husky never tires of making friends, getting several rounds of tag started, or cuddling with his BFFs Nova M. and Khaleesi T. The only time he gets any rest at all is during our proper nap time when he’s knocked out...